Glucose Binding Molecules that could revolutionize diabetes management
Dr Rob Tromas in the lab at Unit DX, Bristol.
Carbometrics is one of the latest companies to feature in the web series ‘Science in Action’ by Horiba scientific, which showcases cutting edge and innovative companies using their state-of-the-art analysis equipment. Head of Research Dr Rob Tromas and Research Operations Manager Stacy Coomber discuss the story behind the company, the science and the huge potential of the team’s glucose receptor.
“Scientists from Bristol University, as part of the Russell Group, a collection of 24 world-class research-intensive UK universities, discovered a glucose binding molecule that can sense the presence of glucose in the bloodstream. The molecule is a cage-like structure that only a glucose molecule fits into. It can be used as a receptor or sensor for blood glucose.
“The core structure is simple and symmetrical, yet provides a cavity which almost perfectly complements the all-equatorial β-pyranoside (glucose) substrate. The receptor’s affinity for glucose, at Ka ~ 18,000 M−1, compares well with natural receptor systems. Selectivities also reach biological levels.[i]
This is a breakthrough level of selectivity for glucose from a synthetic sensor.”
“… a new age in the treatment of diabetes is being born”
Read the full article here.